7 Quick Steps To Take Following Slip and Fall


People visiting commercial properties like shopping malls, grocery stores, or restaurants are vulnerable to slip and fall injuries because of the high traffic and materials being moved around in these public settings.  Some hazards can develop before a property owner or manager is aware of them.  But other slip and fall hazards are ones which the person responsible for the property should have known about and should have fixed.  It is these types of hazards which can cause a slip and fall that could have been avoided.  Below is a list of the some of the most common hazards:

The following are some examples of hazards that can lead to slip and fall and result in an injury:

  • Spills on walking surfaces
  • Slippery surfaces
  • Weather causing ice, rain, or snow
  • Loose mats or rugs
  • Clutter, cords, or hoses on the floor
  • Poor lighting
  • Boxes or containers blocking walkways
  • Unrepaired walking areas or stairs

Types Of Injuries Sustained in a Slip and Fall

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries  – If you fall and hit your head on the ground or on another object, it could result in a traumatic brain injury, or TBI. Even mild traumatic brain injuries are serious injuries that can lead to complications that can last for weeks or even months. These complications may include dizziness, headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, sleep problems, and trouble concentrating, just to name a few. In more serious cases, victims can develop long-term cognitive or physical disabilities that may affect their ability work or live independently.

  • Fractures – Fractures, or broken bones, can be extremely painful and require surgery to correct. For older adults or people who have low bone density or are otherwise pre-disposed to issues with their bones, a fall may result in a hip fracture that could land them in the hospital for weeks or even months. In some cases, these kinds of fractures even necessitate hip replacement surgery.

  • Serious Soft Tissue Injuries – Serious soft tissue injuries like torn ligaments and tendons can be very painful and require months to heal. In addition, many victims require physical therapy or even surgery to reach maximum medical improvement and still may be left with issues that they have to manage for the rest of their lives.
Slip and fall injuries should not be taken lightly.  Fractures are the most common injury resulting from a fall, but for people over the age of 65, there is a 30-40% chance the fall will result in death. 
Therefore, it is very important to follow this checklist if you have sustained an injury as a result of a slip and fall in a commercial setting.

 7 Quick Steps To Take Following Slip and Fall

  • Call 911 if you need medical attention.
  • Take pictures of the area, hazards, and any injuries.
  • Report the fall to the person responsible for the property.
  • Request and surveillance video.
  • Gather any witness information.
  • Follow up with any medical treatment for recovery.
  • Contact a Slip and Fall Attorney.
 Just because you fell down, doesn’t mean it is your fault.  If you believe that you slipped and fell due to a hazard that could have been avoided, you may have a claim for negligence.  Due to the time limits for filing these claims, it is very important that you contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Brooklyn NY immediately so you can get back on your feet.

New York Slip and Fall Lawyers of The Rybak Firm, PLLC Can Help You Every Step Of The Way

The Rybak Firm, PLLC specializes in Personal Injury cases such as Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Slip and Fall and Trip and Fall Accidents.  If you have been involved in a Slip and Fall accident, please contact our firm immediately at (718) 569-7042 or complete a quick ‘Contact Us’ form online for a FREE CONSULTATION with one of our experienced Slip and Fall Attorneys.

Slip and Fall Attorney Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY but our Persona Injury Firm represents injured victims of accidents in every borough of New York City. Our Accident Lawyers are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.